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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Grandparents day

Have a lovely grandparents day.Don't forget to visit the elders of the family. They were excactly as us, their knowledge is impressing, and their stories are stunning.Use their knowledge, learn from them. AND they are always happy to see you.Find more quotes and statements about love, hate, sadness, neglect, hope etc. by searching at our homepage. Send a thought across the world and show your friends, you are thinking about...

Romance 2020

Romance 2020.(Don't worry about overpopulation!)Find more quotes and statements about love, hate, sadness, neglect, hope etc. by searching at our homepage. Send a thought across the world and show your friends, you are thinking about them.If you use our quotes, please show the designers you appreciate their work by liking our page on Facebook Photo:Candid_Sh...


Romantic? Without the phone perhaps. Have you ever spend an (supposed to be romantic) evening with a date, who's checking the phone all the time(?)Or does the romantic evenings with your spouse end up with your significant other trying to beat the record of Candy Crush, or feels the necessarily to connect on each and every post on Facebook(?)Well, there's time, that you wont get back!Don't waste your time on a second date, you'll...

Monday, September 21, 2020

Phones on retirement

Isn't itwonderful?Retirement with your l...

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Compliment people

Complimentpeople!Magnify theirstrengthsNOT theirweaknessesFind more statements about love, hate, sadness, neglect, hope etc. by searching at our homepage. Send a thought across the world and show your friends, you are thinking about them.If you use our quotes, please show the designers you appreciate their work by liking our page on Facebook Original photo by: Pixa...

Push harder

Push harder today if you want a different tomorrow.You don't chance anything important with the TV remote!!!Find more statements about love, hate, sadness, neglect, hope etc. by searching at our homepage. Send a thought across the world and show your friends, you are thinking about them.If you use our quotes, please show the designers you appreciate their work by liking our page on Facebook Original photo by: Johannes...

No ordinary people

There's no ordinary people in life.If you give everybody a chance,each and all will have somethingamazing to offerFind more statements about love, hate, sadness, neglect, hope etc. by searching at our homepage. Send a thought across the world and show your friends, you are thinking about them.If you use our quotes, please show the designers you appreciate their work by liking our page on Facebook Original photo by;Vlad...

Gril talk invitation

Let's watch the sunset together and ha e a long girl talk, just like we used to do.Missing the time, where you would get together with your best friend and talk for hours?Why wait  Get back in contact and send her an invitation for a get2gether Find more statements about love, hate, sadness, neglect, hope etc. by searching at our homepage. Send a thought across the world and show your friends, you are thinking about them.If...

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Dont hurt other people intentionally

A FEW SECONDS  is all it takes to hurt another human being.Repairing the damages however, takes SEVERAL YEARSDo you want to be the reason, a colleague quits a job? The reason for driving another person over the edge? The cause of the breakdown of a single working stressed out mom? By all means, behave like you want to. If you want to be a decent person however, you could chose your words wisely AND consider that maybe you...

Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Yelling at your partner is emotional tyranny. Just like bullying, a cruel, unreasonable use of power or control.Are you yelling at your partner?If so, please tell me: Who gave you the right to yell at other people? Are you aware, how other people see you? How harmful yelling at your partner can be? No? I bet you don't even care.You are too selfish to care about other peoples feelings. . Besides that, I'm curious of what...

Monday, September 14, 2020

Luxury depends on the person

Some people want designer clothes, fancy cars and a huge house.Others create intimate houses and beautiful gardens, to escape those people.What I luxury in your mind? Time or money?You can find more quotes and sayings on our blog by searching here.If you use our quotes, please show the designers you appreciate their work by liking our page on Facebook. That's the joy that keeps them going. Photo:Grace Wang&nb...

Sunday, September 13, 2020


JUDGING another person doesn't define, who THEY defines, who YOU areFind more statements about love, hate, sadness, neglect, hope etc. by searching at our homepage. Send a thought across the world and show your friends, you are thinking about them.If you use our quotes, please show the designers you appreciate their work by liking our page on Facebook Feel free to download and use our quotes for any personal greeting...